Buscadero review

Lovesick are a duo made up of guitarist and singer Paolo Roberto Pianezza and double bass player and singer Francesca Alinovi. Paolo and Francesca have roots in Bologna and both were influenced, in their youth, by a passion for American music, especially vintage, ranging from country to rock, passing through western-swing.

The two have five albums under their belt, but with this new “Remember My Name” they have broadened their musical vision. A new member has joined the group, the violinist, but also singer and drummer, Alessandro Cosentino.

And to do things in a big way, to record this album they went to America for the first time. Not content, after having self-produced for many years they decided to get assistance from the famous Fabrizio Grossi, former bassist and singer of the Californian Supersonic Blues Machine. The news doesn't end here, because Remember My Name, included in the prestigious catalogs of Rock'N'Hall and Dixiefrog, can finally boast an international distribution.

All eleven tracks on the album are written by Paolo and Francesca, and in some compositions the sound dimension is enriched by the presence of Chloe Feoranzo's clarinet (Until I'm Done), while in the final Kauai - the only instrumental in the collection - even a gypsy guitar appears.

Those who have been listening to music for a long time will find many references in the ballads composed by Lovesick: starting with the great Leon Redbone, paid homage to in “Until I’m Done”and “Don't Be Scared Of The Dark” with choirs, violin and clarinet, and continuing with Buddy Holly (You And I), Elvis Presley (The Rain), Eddie Cochran (Goin' Back For More) and Johnny Cash.

Lovesick are building a deserved international fame and now they will try, with this new album, to conquer America. “Remember My Name” is pleasant, fun, full of swing and good music. Revival, Lovesick teach us, is not only done by wearing Hawaiian shirts and greased your hair. We hope to  hear them in concert soon.